
0-4 weeks old: Kittens 0-4 weeks old will either need to be bottle fed (if no mother), or will be nursing. Click HERE for more information on bottle feeders. Click HERE for more information about nursing mothers.

4 weeks old: You can start introducing canned food. Mixing a little warm water (warm, not hot) with the canned food and placing it in a container with low sides (plate, small dish, etc.) will usually do the trick. Please test the temperature of the food with your finger prior to giving it to them. Expect them to walk through the wet food in the beginning. No one ever said kittens were neat, they’ll definitely make a mess! After a few attempts, they will get the idea. You can offer this wet food “soup” two to three times a day. You can also offer a bowl of kitten milk replacement if they aren’t quite understanding the wet food right away. Please follow directions on the KMR container. Feed them their last meal just before bedtime. They usually eat and then go straight to sleep. 

5-6 weeks old: Around 5 weeks old kittens will begin to eat dry food, and they can be free fed the dry throughout the day (leave a bowl of dry available at all times). Ideally feed three small (approximately one quarter of a 3 ounce can) meals of canned food per day per kitten. If you are unable to feed three times per day due to your schedule: feed two small (approximately 1/2 of a 3 ounce can) meals of canned food per day per kitten.

6-8 weeks old: Ideally feed three meals a day (about one quarter of a 6 ounce can) per kitten, and free feed dry food. If you are unable to feed three times per day due to your schedule: feed two meals of canned food per day (approximately 1/2 of a 6 ounce can) per kitten. Always keep dry kibble out at all times for the kittens to eat.

Overfeeding can cause digestive problems.  Frequent small meals are preferred to large meals.

All cats and kittens need fresh water at all times.


Kittens should gain approximately 10 (or more) grams per day. If your kitten is not gaining weight, or losing weight, contact the Foster Coordinator and Vet Tech immediately.

Weight chart based on age:


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